In November 2020, the idea of making a short documentary about the impact of Brexit on Brits in Belgium brought members of BABBS (the online ‘Brexit and the Belgian Brits’ community) together to crowdfund and make “Here We Are”. The film gently explores the topics of identity, belonging and reactions to loss, through personal stories. The testimonies highlight a range of emotions and consequences for European Brits flowing from Brexit. We also examine how participants remain resilient and what gives them hope going forward.
Full Circle House hosted an in-person launch event featuring an expert panel discussion in Brussels in October 2021. Since then the film has been shared online, combined with panel discussions hosted respectively by Pro Europa and the European institutions’ Together-Ensemble platform and included in an educational programme for schools in Italy.
In addition to press cover on the project, Director Anny Tubbs was interviewed for French radio and by the Brussels Museum of Migration as part of its MMM podcast series. In January 2022 the film was selected for the Berlin Short Film Festival and the Long Story Shorts Film Festival, resulting in a BEST DOC nomination.
In May 2022, Anny joined SIETAR Europa’s conference on ‘Reinventing Interculturalism’ at the University of Malta, as visiting director for its film festival. The film was also selected for the EuropeNow Film Festival.